How do I obtain a credit report for a deceased person?

The spouse or executor of the estate may request the deceased person's credit report by mailing a request to each of the credit reporting companies.  

Send a letter along with the following information about the deceased:

  • Legal name
  • Social Security Number
  • Date of birth
  • Date of death
  • Last known address
  • A copy of the death certificate or letters testamentary. A letters testamentary is a document issued by a court or public official authorizing the executor of a will to take control of a deceased person's estate.

Also send information about yourself, including:

  • Your full name
  • Address for sending final confirmation
  • In the case of an executor, include the court order or other document showing that you are an executor.

Send the request and information to all three credit reporting companies by mail:

P.O. Box 105139
Atlanta, GA 30348-5139

P.O. Box 2002
Allen, TX 75013

P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016

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