
Verify Education History

Speed up education history verification with reliable, automated data.

Make More Informed Decisions with Education Data

Instantly and electronically verify an individual’s attainment or enrollment status with fast, reliable data from National Student Clearinghouse. It’s the nation’s most comprehensive education data resource and only requires an applicant's Social Security number. Easily confirm education credentials to help make loan, credit, and hiring decisions. 

Key Facts & Figures

Participating colleges and universities use The National Student Clearinghouse.
of students in public & private institutions are available for verification (National Student Clearinghouse, 2023)

Who We Serve

Consumer Finance & Credit Card
Understand whether applicants qualify for certain financing based on education history.
Hiring & Talent
Confirm education and credentials on an applicant’s resume. 
Determine eligibility for policies that offer products or services based on educational background. 
Understand whether applicants qualify for auto financing based on educational background. 
Determine eligibility for programs that offer products or services based on educational background. 

Trust Is Good - Confidence Is Better

It would be great to be able to take everyone at their word, but you need more than that. With verification solutions from Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÐþ»ú, you can be confident in the decisions you make. From knowing that job applicants are being honest about their qualifications to making sure that employees in highly sensitive roles have integrity and the right level of education, we can help.
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