Product Overview

Spending Powerâ„¢ (formerly Discretionary Spending Dollars (DS$) is a continuous household-based dollar value estimate of discretionary spending uncapped up to $1.2M. Based on a foundation of anonymous,direct-measured assets, it represents a modeled dollar amount of what a household likely spends on discretionary items after accounting for the fixed expenses of life.

Spending Power can be used alone, incorporated into models where consumer spending is a factor or online with digital segments.

Who It's For

Director of Marketing

Segment and target your customers and prospects by spending capacity

Digital Marketing or Ad Agency

Target the audience online as well as offline

Campaign / Advertising Manager

Improve your campaigns by identifying a more relevant audience

Customer Analyst

Identify relevant customer groups and preferences to fuel marketing campaigns

Modeler / Statistician

Enhance your marketing models, evaluate marketing programs and predictive variables 

Data Analytics

Use our data to provide effective in-market recommendations and support campaigns
Product Sheet

Key Benefits:

  • Identifies consumers that are likely to have the discretionary spending levels to afford your products and services
  • Adds an estimate of spending to models to gain a more robust picture than an income measure alone can provide
  • Includes summary factors produced from our proprietary database of consumer investable assets
  • Available for use in online targeting
  • Developed for use in non-FCRA applications across the customer lifecycle
  • Compliance-friendly - do not contain protected-class demographics

Apply Spending Power to your Campaigns

  • Capture discretionary spending to grow your business efficiently
  • Differentiate between two households that look the same in terms of income and demographics, but likely have considerably different spending power
  • Find and market to more prospective consumers that match the spending profiles of your best current customers
  • Discretionary Spending Digital is also available for use in online applications such as ad targeting and landing page optimization.
Digital Targeting

Don't Miss Out on High-Potential Prospects

Unlike other behavioral-based indicators, Spending Power is derived from measured data and provides a high upper limit actual dollar value ($1.2 MM per household). Gain additional insight on the right consumers for your products and services.

Related Products

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Digital Targeting Segments
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CreditStyles Pro
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Contact Us

Connect with our sales team and discover how this product can meet your business needs.

Contact Us 

Understand your customers and prospects better with insights on household discretionary spending.

Economic Insights Suite

Leverage insights to help differentiate and find the right consumers to grow your business.