Product Overview

The Small Business Default Index (SBDFI) offers these benefits to users: Robust indicator of small business financial stress and insolvency Valuable early insight into market conditions ahead of other quarterly economic releases Reliable information to assess risk exposure and evaluate financial health across multiple sectors of the economy.

The SBDFI is formulated on a monthly basis at the national level and segmented into 987 indices for national-industry, state and state-industry segments.
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Who It's For


Early warning of risk exposure so they can set policy accordingly


Reliable predictors of small business financial stress and insolvency


Benchmark default activity against national and regional trends by industry segment.

Equity Hedge Funds

Early insight into market stress ahead of other quarterly economic releases

Government Entities

et policy and review regulations against default activity

Track the Latest Default Activity

Get the full story on the latest release of the Small Business Default Index data and the industry, regional, and economic implications.

Read the Report
Market Insights Map

Risk Insight Suite

To track the SBDFI on an ongoing basis, we encourage you to regularly visit the Risk Insight Suite®.

Assess Risk Exposure for your Business

Default is a point-in-time measurement of borrowers that have failed to remain current and as such is a vital piece of information to evaluate the health of the overall economy.

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