Product Overview

Insurers work hard to gain the best insights into potential customers and we can help you expand that competitive edge with a powerful, next-generation tool for predictive accuracy that enables you to more precisely assign risk to a broader audience of customers and prospects.

Enhanced Insights for Your New Prospects

By combining the proven strength of traditional credit data with the unique, expanded coverage of alternative data, Insight Score for Insurance gives you fresh, useful insight into the vast population of consumers including those with little or no credit history so that you can intelligently grow your business, more precisely quote and rate your prospects leading to improved profitability.

The alternative data used includes account payment data from the communications, utility and pay TV industries.

This provide insurers with predictive FCRA consumer data on more than 230 million unique consumers, 30 million of which have no consumer credit file. 
More Accurately Quote More Prospects

Including those who may not have a credit-score - we've built a highly predictive model that goes beyond traditional credit data 

Reward More of Your Customers

Give those who are scorable the insurance premium they deserve helping you to drive growth and improve profitability

Let Us Help You Grow Your Business Faster & More Profitably

We’re a trusted provider of quality, credit-based insurance risk scores for more than 20 years, and we’re committed to continually developing new sources of predictive data to further enhance your segmentation capabilities. Insight Score for Insurance is part of our comprehensive, data-driven suite of solutions focused on helping insurers like you better segment and price to match risks.
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Find more details about Insight Score for Insurance in this product sheet.